Monday, May 30, 2011

delicious energy

Alejandro Irusta
ENG 101
                                                Delicious Energy Drinks

What you don’t know CAN hurt you. Everyone thinks a good breakfast and
the 8hr of sleep should give you enough energy for the day. Teenagers and young
adults don’t think when they consume a  can of redbull. Do they know what
exactly they’re drinking? The amount of caffeine each energy drink can contains?
The harm they’re doing to their health? Are all energy drinks the same? many
consume 1 monster a day and yet ,they  never bother to read what ingredients it
contains. What are the main ingredients to all energy drinks? That will be sugar,
taurine, ginseng, guarana, and B vitamins. People don’t know what these main
ingredients. Is anyone notifying the world the health risks of the energy drinks?
Energy drink might have a great taste, and give you that energy for the day, but at
the end it kills you.

The high caffeinated drinks came around the states about 1997. The
beverage digest launched the energy drink “RedBull”. Energy drinks are one of the
fastest growing retail drink markets in the world. At the end of 2001 energy drinks
sales were of $8 million annually. Just 5 yrs later the energy drink beverage sales
were up to $3 billion annually. Teenagers and young adults younger than 30 years
of age are the ones whom consume energy drinks on a daily basis. They assume
it’s a faster way of getting your energy for the day. The primary target were
athletes but since the market grew and advertisement, it targeted young adults
over 18 yrs old. . Products brands like redbull, monster, and rockstar plan to reach
$9 million this year, since most of the money comes from adults under 25 years
old. In an article by M.A. Heckman and others state “The popularity of energy
drinks among the younger generation is evidenced by 34% of 18 to 24-y-olds
being regular energy drink users(O’brien and others 2008; Mintel 2009). Another
report found that about one-half of college students consume at least 1 energy
drink per month in the hope to increase their energy level, to compensate for a
lack of sleep or to mix with alcohol (Miller 2008). “

The main ingredients of an energy drinks like redbull, monster, and rockstar
are sugar, taurine, ginseng, guarana, and caffeine. Do the people who consume
energy drinks on a daily basis know that? Do they know the effects of each of
these main ingredients? Don’t they know that caffeine is a big major ingredient  for
a typical 8 ounce energy drink. It can contain from 40 to 125 milligrams of
caffeine. That’s five times the amount of caffeine found in a soda.That’s a huge
sugar rush that can raise blood pressure and heart rate.

They don’t realize the danger of taurine in energy drinks. Taurine is an
amino acid that produces in your body naturally. It regulates your heart beat. There
is about 1000mg of taurine in a can of energy drink. Having this everyday and as
well too much of it can cause a heart disease, that’s just common sense. It’s a
stimulating effect on the nervous system, which is unnatural. Guarana which I find
the main ingredient in a energy drink. Guarana also known as guaranine comes
from seeds of the guarana plant in South America. These seeds contain high level
of caffeine. The guarana seeds are denser in caffeine than coffee beans, with 3 to 4
percent vs. 1 to 2 percent. According to  there are many side effects
while consuming guarana, “such as Anxiety; diarrhea; headache; increased
urination; nausea; nervousness; shakiness; tremors; trouble sleeping; upset
stomach; vomiting.” Young adults don’t know this because they’re not told.
Ginseng is a root which increases energy to the body and decreases stress to the
body. People may think this ingredient doesn’t do harm to someone’s body. Side
effects of ginseng are anxiety, headaches, and may develop asthma attacks. Even
birth defects. Sugar and caffeine is in everything we drink and at times into what
we eat. A can of energy can have up to 80mg of caffeine and up to 40g of sugar.

          Does anyone worry about this situation? Do pediatricians know the effects
of these energy drinks? An article “ Energy Drinks may Harm Health , Especially
For Children “ by Alice Park explains who actually worries about the harm of 
these energy drinks do to people who consume them and what Dr.Lipshultz is
trying to explain to the public. The article states “What worries pediatricians like
Lipshultz is the fact that energy drinks, which are classified as dietary
supplements, are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). That
means they don't have to follow the same strict limits that the FDA places on
potentially harmful ingredients such as caffeine (a primary component of energy
drinks) that soda makers must follow. Lipshultz became personally interested in
the issue when children began coming to the hospital after getting sick from energy
drinks.”  Dr. Lipshultz is warning as many pediatricians as he can about the energy
drinks. He hopes to get more data for the future about the energy drinks, and the
consequences that energy drinks cause. People would say something like “energy
drinks are the same as sports drinks”. Again Dr Lipshultz was shocked into what
he found different of energy drinks and sports drinks. In the article he said “ “As I
started looking into it, I was very surprised by what I found,” he says.

For one, many pediatricians and families are not aware of the differences between
energy and sports drinks, and confuse the nutritional claims made for sports drinks
with the primarily stimulant-based effects of energy beverages.

Also, before 2010, U.S. poison control centers were not tracking adverse events
related to energy drinks specifically; they monitored only problems arising from
caffeine overdoses. When consumed in high enough amounts over a long enough
period of time, caffeine can cause changes in blood flow and reduce insulin
sensitivity, which affects the body's ability to regulate sugars from food”. Not even
the poison control centers are aware of the caffeine that people are consuming.this
can lead into a horrific tragedy into the population of young adults. Can be
sickness, and maybe even death.

Could there be more ways to explain to the public, more data. Possibly  
make a movie or a commercial, it’s obvious that people don’t know  the harm
they’re doing to their health by consuming these drinks. The energy drinks
marketing is increasing as the years go by. Energy drinks targeting young adults.
They have no clue about the ingredients and their effects. Not even where the
energy drinks are coming from or a brief history. I’m glad there is at least someone
like Dr. Lipshultz doing something about explaining the harm energy drinks have.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Alejandro Irusta

Energy drinks..about 100,000,000 people consume them. Mostly teenagers. Are they dangerous?
Are Energy Drinks Safe. Kathliene Miller. NBC Studios, 2009. Web. 08 May 201.

Park, Alice.”Energy Drinks May Harm Health, Especially For Children" 08 may. 2011. Web. 14 Feb. 2011.

Harpe, Juliet. "Side Effects Of Redbull Energy Drink" 08 May. 2011. Web. .

Hitt, Emma. "Energy Drinks Pose Serious Health Risks For Young People"  08 May 2011. Web. 14 Feb. 2011.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

10 things foir the final research paper

(1) Energy drinks
(2)organic food
(5) school wending machines
(6)diner food
(7)corner shishkabob/halal stands
(8)coffee companies
(9)artificial farms
(10) diabetic causes

response to the banning soda purchases with food stamps

I cant agree with everyone, though i do agree with Christpoher Greenslate on his article "On a Dollar a Day". he states towards the end of his article that "
People on food stamps know what is healthy and what isn’t. But this doesn’t help them unless local governments are doing everything they can to ensure that those who are eligible are getting access to the benefits they so desperately need." I think everyone should know what is healthy now since we are in the 21st century, we've seen what cuases obesity and health issues, and where our food comes from.i dont think that soda pruchases with food stamps should be banned , becuase not every can afford a $2 coke . Greenslate did say people on food stamps do know what is healthy and what isn't. would banning soda really make a difference? if they ban soda with food stampos i think they sould just banned soda period.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

essay#2 draft peer review

Writer’s Name: alejandro irusta         
Paper Title: Chairo Paceño
Date: April 6, 2011
Editor’s Name: alejandro irusta
Peer Review Worksheet
  1. Introduction: How does the first paragraph introduce both the paper’s topic and the writer’s approach or general conclusion? Is the first sentence attention-getting and relevant to the topic?
-explained  on how the plate was changed in ingredients and process..Conclusion re-stated the thesis and the explained the paragraphs main ideas.

2.                   What can you identify as a thesis statement? (Re-write it below) Suggest, if possible, a way to improve the introduction or thesis statement.
-       “as the years gone by the dish chairo paceño was changed in how it was cooked,produced and eaten.” Explain more on its health.

3.                   Structure: Can you identify the organization of the paper from the main idea of each paragraph? What are the main concepts explored in the paper? Does each paragraph make a relevant point that is distinct from what has already been covered? What are the main conclusions?
-       The organization was well structured . some paragraphs had their main ideas. And everything that was explained on the introduction was relevant to each paragraph.

4.                   Clarity/Style: Did you find distracting grammar, punctuation, spelling, or word usage problems? Identify any patterns or themes you detect. Is the tone of the essay formal? If you find awkward sentences, try to explain why they don’t make sense to you.
-       Many grammar mistakes. Some sentences were run-ons . many sentences are awkward.

5.                   Resources: Does the author clearly identify his/her sources? Is proper in-text and reference format used?
-       Cited a sentence well. Explained were every source and information came from.

6.                   What is/are the paper’s greatest strength(s)? Explain.
-its organization and sources. Everything was explained well in to paper just needs grammar help.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

5 sources

Fast Food Nation : beef trust pg,137, 152-53, 205 ,255

La cocina en Bolivia : chairo pg 68-99 : evry ingredient is listed traditionaly : explains every ingredient and its health cuase : explains  the health of ingredeint we might eat everyday

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

300 word response "food inc"

                My response to the film “Food Inc.” was just too shocking. I never expected many secrets in the food industry. Didn’t expect so much controversy. Made me think about what should I not eat and what I should eat. Observe every ingredient of food products. I learned  that they would use farm images on eggs, milk , and even cheese to show and pretend  that their products come from a farm. I would remember that in the early 1900’s everything was organic. The vegetables and fruit would grow in the right seasons. What this film showed me was they can pick up any fruit and vegetable at any food started with drive ins around the 1930. Out of all the fast food frenchise the biggest meat consumer is Mcdonalds. From watching this film the scene and secret what shocked me the most was the animal slaughter. More than 400 animals get slaughtered in one hour. There are thirteen slaughter houses in the  U.S. and as time goes by more are soon  to be made.  32,000 hogs are slaughtered in these slaughter houses. This film she be watched in every school .  so every can know what these food companies and industries are really hiding. What they’re producing  in those factories. I find unfair the fact they’re hiding all these secrets into what they do to the food. How everything can hurt and endanger our health. How they mistreat animals to the tremendous torture. from watching this film it makes me think more about what I eat. Everyone should eat a lot more healthier be cautious into what’s going inside your mouth. Try to eat more organic food. It’s a very inspiring film. Its not even  farming anymore its all mass production is what all I learned from this film.


Alejandro Irusta
Eng. 101

                             The traditional dish from my country Bolivia is chairo
paceño has changed through history. The way my ancestors would eat
around the 1900s is far more healthier compared to the way my family its it
today. As the years gone by the dish chairo paceño was changed on , its
produced, and cooked. As well as how it was eaten. These changes of the
chairo paceño have effect on health. Chairo paceño is a “Vegetable And 
Meat Stew”.

          The ingredients of the dish chairo paceño were typically lamb meat
and some vegetables. In this dish not only does it contain lamb meat and
vegetable , it was also pepper , wheat grains , white corn, ground cumin,
green onion, crumbled oregano, and minced mint. That’s the ingredients
that my ancestors would use to cook the dish chairo paceño. As the years
past my family changed the ingredients of the  dish chairo paceño. My
grandmother taught my mom to cook it with out the green onion , crumbled
oregano ,wheat grains, and ground cumin. Instead they added yucca and
regular potato.  The effect in this is health wise. The healthy part to this
dish was the wheat grains, crumbled oregano green onion, and the ground
cumin. Reasons why they took those ingredients out was for the taste. My
mother would tell me eventually the taste was far more important than the
health. They even added more salt into the dish.

          Every ingredient in the chairo paceño dish was produced by farm.
Every farm had sections into where each vegetable , and grains would
grow. They would grow naturally depending the weather. That’s how it was
when my ancestors were alive. Everything was hand made. They would
wait until everything would grow. Now in my days my mom buys some of
the ingredients of cans. Now we can cook this dish at anytime , get it
anywhere as well. No matter what season it is. Reason for this, its because
they use chemicals to increase the speed in growth into the vegetables and
grains in every farm. The air isn’t as fresh as it use to be around the 1900s
, which does effect the farms. They even use machines ever since the
industrial revolution. All these changes effect the vegetables , and grains in
every farm. Its not naturally grown, its artificial. In health wise my ancestors
ate this a lot more healthier. Everything as was fresh and natural.

          Chairo paceño was as well cooked different back when my ancestors
were alive ,compared to how my mother cooks. My grandmother told me
that her grandmother would have a specific order into the stew. And it had
timing for every vegetable that was cooked. The lamb was cut into portions
according to the number of people who are eating the dish. Reasons for
this order and timing was for the quality of the stew. Now they way my
mother makes it she just dumps every vegetable into the pot. Then after a
while she puts the lamb meat. This again changes the quality of the chairo
paceño.mty mom would just add salt to make it taste better. The pots my
ancestors would use were made out of rock. My mom uses metal pots. The
major health issue into the cooking this dish, would be the order and quality
into the cooking. My mother would also tell me that instead of spoons they
would eat with a small dented rocks. Someway it would maintain the chairi
paceño hot and fresh. We now use spoons that are made out of metal.

The chairo paceno dish has changed from how my ancestors would
traditionally cook ,produce, and eat . cooking the dish had timing and order.
The production into every ingredient was naturally and not done artificial or
by machines, it was done by hand. Even eating was different not that
health matter but traditionally. Everything now is depending on technology
and chemicals. Everything is now artificial and not natural. All of this takes
away the real goods and health in any dish from any country and culture.
Many people don’t even cook anymore and depend on outside food. As
years go by nobody seems to care about where the food we are consuming
comes from. This is how we destroy our health. We should pay more
attention into what we eat the history of our dishes and what changed since